Thursday, August 8, 2013

DEER Friends,
LeGrand Headwaters Ranch was privileged to host a hog hunt for some special guests.  Our guests were Grant Rogers from San Angelo, Neil Inman, Reid Inman and Heath Inman all from Tucson, Arizona.  Grant has been a graduate research assistant at the ASU MIR Center north of San Angelo.  His friend from high school, Reid, had just returned from a year in Afghanistan serving in the Air Force. Hog hunting was something he wanted to do during his visit with Grant.  Neil and Heath are brothers to Reid.
Even though the day’s temperatures reached a dry 105, this did not dry out the spirit of the hunt.  Reid and his brother Heath wanted to hunt in a blind by a feeder.   They had special tools and opted to sit in that blind for a while.  Hogs had appeared at this one particular spot nearly every night the past week. Using night vision, infrared vision and thermal vision, they saw whitetail deer and lots of critters, including an armadillo and possum, but no hogs.
During this time Ernie, Grant and Neil scouted hogs with Rosie, Dixie, Hank and Pepper.  The dogs as usual did great.  They jumped a couple of hogs, chased them and eventually the dogs split and the guys lost the hogs.  After picking up the other two hunters from the blind, the dogs again jumped some hogs. What a happening, three dogs going in three different directions.  Even using GPS on two of the dogs, the hogs still won.  Excitement score:  Hunters 0, Hogs 4.  That is why this is called hunting.  Grant praised Ernie for his efforts, and praised him as an excellent guide.  In the early morning hours, after the hunt, our guests returned to San Angelo.

LeGrand Headwaters Ranch wishes to say "Thank You" Reid for your service to our country.  God Bless you and God Bless the USA.

Shown in the picture from left to right:  Neil Inman, Reid Inman, Heath Inman and Grant Rogers.
And waiting to fetch a rock is Pepper


  1. Thanks for the story. And thanks again for the hunt!

  2. We were delighted to have you at the ranch.
