Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Seven DEER HUNTING MYTHS Debunked.  Very interesting for all white-tailed deer hunters.
7 Deer Hunting Myths Debunked

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

DEER FRIENDS. Low-fenced and 166 inches of antler!

This huge trophy buck is the same one on the header of our website.  We had been watching him for a couple of years to allow him to mature and spread his "genes".  The time was right in 2013 for a harvest.  He had been captured on our cameras and been seen on the ranch.  But as "low-fenced" ranches hold no captive, this buck jumped over the fence and was harvested by our neighbor.  Congratulations!  He scored 166 inches of antler.  The good news, there will be more bucks with his genetics. 

DEER FRIENDS White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee

White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee
Recently a new responsibility has been accepted by me your humble LeGrand Headwaters Ranch owner/correspondent. I have been appointed as a member of the White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee (WTDAC) for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). This committee serves in an advisory capacity to TPWD ensuring substantive input into matters pertaining to white-tailed deer conservation, regulation, research and management in Texas. The term is a three year appointment. This is a diverse group of representatives assembled to advise TPWD on white-tailed deer.
I seek your input or thoughts about white-tailed deer conservation, regulation and research. This year a focus will be on MLDP regulations. Please feel free to send questions, suggestions and advice. The first meeting is March 3, 2015 in Austin, Texas.