Tuesday, February 17, 2015

DEER FRIENDS White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee

White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee
Recently a new responsibility has been accepted by me your humble LeGrand Headwaters Ranch owner/correspondent. I have been appointed as a member of the White-tailed Deer Advisory Committee (WTDAC) for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). This committee serves in an advisory capacity to TPWD ensuring substantive input into matters pertaining to white-tailed deer conservation, regulation, research and management in Texas. The term is a three year appointment. This is a diverse group of representatives assembled to advise TPWD on white-tailed deer.
I seek your input or thoughts about white-tailed deer conservation, regulation and research. This year a focus will be on MLDP regulations. Please feel free to send questions, suggestions and advice. The first meeting is March 3, 2015 in Austin, Texas.

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