Thursday, November 19, 2015

Deer Friends,
Thanks to Wayne Cooper for the story of his hunt on the LeGrand Headwaters Ranch.  

Ernie took me out mid-morning in a light rain, and we set up several times rattling as we walked through the oaks and cedar bushes. We came across a mature buck and tried to rattle him in closer. The rattling appeared to make him tear into an oak limb and scrape, then he started to leave. We backed out, and got out in front of him, sat up next to a tree and waited. He came into an opening between the trees at 140 yards and stopped long enough to get a shot at him off of the shooting sticks. I put him in the scope, squeezed the trigger and watched him buck, take off running leaning heavy until he disappeared behind the tall grass. Ernie started to celebrate, but I told him I would wait until I put my hands on him. When we crossed the creek bed and walked up on him he was a 10 point with a small kicker and Ernie aged him at 5 ½ years. Every deer on my wall has a story with it, this one may be the best story to date. Thank you all again for the hospitality.

I had a great time making memories hunting at the ranch, Mr. Bob and yourself are great host. I enjoy hunting with Ernie because he loves hunting. He kept asking me if I was up for walking and rattling after the morning hunts. I enjoyed every moment of it, but what made it even better was he was enjoying it as much as I did. Thanks to all of you again...

Wayne Cooper
Vice President
Brister-Stephens, Inc.

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