Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Deer Friends,
How to prep for a successful deer season.
Establish a known sanctuary for deer..........
Creating a sanctuary can mean a variety of things. When I say establish a known sanctuary, I mean pick a part of your hunting property that you will never touch. No exceptions, no just taking a quick walk through to see if there is sign, or to have a trail camera in there. This summer, find a spot on your property, it doesn’t matter if your property is 1,000 acres, or 40 acres. Pick an area you are going to leave alone. That means no hunter intrusion, no scent, nothing. What this does, is it creates an area deer will feel safe. Survival is the number one deer motivator. Survival comes before anything else, and having a sanctuary will provide an area deer will want to use.
This will help you hold bucks that maybe you don’t want to shoot, but you don’t want other people shooting either. What it will also do, is when there is a lot of deer hunting pressure around you, deer will move to where they feel safe, which will be on your property. You then can plan your hunting attack around that. Having that sanctuary in the middle of your property will be more beneficial, because it will pull deer further into your property, and you can hunt all sides of it. There is a lot that goes into establishing a sanctuary, but being disciplined will be the most important part of it.

So when thinking of what you can do on your property to increase your chances of success this fall, put these three things into consideration. They may just pay big dividends.
From News & Views The Voice of Texas Hunters

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